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Enlisted Promotion calculator

Using this tool you can calculate the date and get your pay for airforce , army ,coastgaurd and navy enlisted personel we can calculate e1 through e9, like the army the airforce promotion for pay is automatic however getting actually pinned can vary depending on your chain of command and just how proactive they are. you can calculate E1 to E2 , E2 TO E3 , E3 TO E4 , E4 TO E5 , E6 TO E7 , E8 TO E9 . This can be done for Army, Airforce, Marines , Coast Gaurd and Navy, get the exact date and pay raise. Privates, Speacialists, Seargeants. We also took into account Time in Service and Time in grade , click on the insiginia once calculation is complete for pay info from a site specialized in government pay. Please note however this tool is designed to show your promotion date however for NCOS i.e sergeants we show when you have completed the time requirement however there are a number of factors that can affect the exact promotion date so it may vary particulary for the navy/coastgaurd which has peculiar methods for promotion i.e exams, we also witht he addition of waivers you may be promoted even sooner !!!